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參加2018 Rikkyo Fu-Jen International

Symposium- Mobile Lives, Mobile Media


立教大學助理教授 IKEGAMI Satoru發表〈Possibility of international comparative analysis of Manga reading process〉之論文。

輔大傳播學院 賴盈如 老師發表〈Exploring factors that influence users to play multiplayer mobile games〉之論文。

輔大傳播學院陳尚永老師發表〈The study of the effects of message characteristics on Facebook fans: The case of Facebook cosmetics fan pages〉之論文。

立教大學副教授WADA Shinichiro發表〈Cluster analysis of Twitter data, using Python: a case study of the governor’s election in Tokyo, 2016〉之論文。

立教大學副教授Kimura Tadamasa發表〈How to capture the incessant and intermittent flow of mobile communications-methodological challenge to analyze every second log data of smart phone use〉之論文。

輔大傳播學院洪雅慧院長發表〈A big data analysis on the case of the Ministry of Education’s decision not to approve Kuan Chung-ming as president of National Taiwan University〉 之論文。

立教大學助理教授YOKOYAMA Tomoya發表 〈Political influence of irrelevant visual cues on social media〉之論文。

輔大傳播學院韓義興老師發表〈Audience claim objectivity on evaluating immigration news coverage after knowingly using biased strategies〉之論文。

立教大學教授黃盛彬發表〈The gaze upon Chinese tourists: A comparative study of Japanese and South Korean media’s coverage〉之論文。

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